This is really confusing me, a cat keeps leaving dead birds on my doorstep and meowing until I come out, I must stress that it is not even my cat, it happens almost every night and I don’t understand why my front door, any ideas?

 Cats often bring prey as a form of a gift. It's a natural behavior, and they might see you as part of their "family." Consider providing toys or engaging with the cat to redirect its behavior positively. If it's a neighbor's cat, you may want to discuss it with them to find a solution together.

It seems like you've encountered a persistent feline visitor who enjoys presenting you with "gifts" in the form of dead birds. This behavior is instinctual for cats and is rooted in their hunting instincts. Cats often bring back prey to share with their human companions as a gesture of affection. While it might be unsettling, it's essentially their way of showing appreciation and recognizing you as part of their social group.
To address this, you can try redirecting the cat's behavior by offering alternative stimuli. Provide toys or treats that engage the cat's hunting instincts in a less alarming way. Spend some time interacting with the cat positively, reinforcing playfulness and affection without focusing on the hunting aspect. Creating a more fulfilling environment for the cat may reduce its inclination to leave "gifts" at your doorstep.
If the cat doesn't belong to you, consider reaching out to its owner. Politely discuss the situation and express your concern about the nightly visits. They may be able to take steps to curb the behavior or keep the cat indoors during the evening hours. Open communication with the owner can lead to a collaborative solution that benefits both you and the cat.


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